ATMOS-5D+ ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control™
ATMOS-5D+ ™: a first-of-its-kind energy efficient ‘Sixth Sense’ Dust Management and Dust Control System
ATMOS Global™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched, on the 22nd of June 2012, ATMOS-5D+ ™ world’s first Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control™ a major breakthrough in environmental dust control and management in mining.
ATMOS Global ™ has also published a series of high profile articles on our world's first dust management and dust control systems and global initiatives in prestigious international mining and business magazines. Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.
Prospective Client Companies with active/proposed mining, manufacturing or energy operations that would like to receive news from ATMOS Global ™ via email are invited to register for our newsletters today by using this form.
Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s ATMOS-5D+ ™; enjoyed editorials in the following major national and international media:
Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ), Coal Age, Asia Miner, Mining World,
Mining Chronicle,
Mining Weekly,, San Francisco Chronicle, Digital Journal, Renewable Energy World, Market Intelligence Center, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Sun Herald, United Press International, CBS MoneyWatch, Houston Chronicle, Business Insider, International Business Times, The Boston Globe, etc. A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new ATMOS-5D+ ™ system can be accessed here.
Growing attention to general environmental issues has stimulated the search for new approaches to dust management. In particular, the challenges associated with controlling haul road fugitive dust emissions have led regulatory agencies to examine these emissions in greater detail.
Responding to the scientific consensus that mine haul road dust emissions are considered to have a major contribution to the overall dust emissions from surface mining sites, ATMOS-5D+ ™ ‘sows seeds of change’ as a revolutionary concept that facilitates the enhanced understanding and control of these emissions. ATMOS-5D+ ™ marks the emergence of a new 'sixth sense' Dust Management 5.0 era by bridging the gap between the digital and physical world.
The robust, timely and comprehensive dust impact forecasting information generated daily for mining companies world-wide through ATMOS Global ™’s Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™; using our advanced multi-component dust control and management systems, ATMOS-5D+ ™ and DustAlert+ ® (world's first Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-parameter Dust Impact Early Warning System™), transforms the way mining companies deal with dust emissions associated with mine haul roads and helps them adapt to the global future of the regulatory environment in which they operate, as it changes .
ATMOS-5D+ ™ is the new dedicated version (for mine haul road dust control) of ATMOS Global ™’s innovative ATMOS-5D™ - the first-of-its-kind risk-based dust management method used for a mining project nominated as a finalist (jointly with ATMOS Global) for one of the most prestigious awards for environmental excellence in Australia. ATMOS Global ™ has published a detailed article on this success story in the Australian Mining Magazine (May 2012 edition - Forecasting the new benchmarks).
ATMOS-5D+ ™ and DustAlert+ ® are complex multi-component systems that combine state-of-the-art meteorological and air quality forecasting concepts and apply mathematical and physical sciences proficiency to the task of delivering more than 25,000 highly specialized dust impact forecasts every year.
ATMOS-5D+ ™ is a multi-agent autonomous ground breaking Dust Management 5.0 technology that coordinates and supports the mission critical activities of distributed dust control agents by adapting to:
- user expectations to help identify potential dust management problems
- changes in the environment to solve practical dust management problems in a more effective way.
ATMOS-5D+ ™ sets guidelines for appropriate courses of fact-based dust management action leading to safer working conditions, reduced environmental consequences and higher productivity by offering mine operators an opportunity to anticipate, identify and decide before adverse dust impacts are predicted to happen (a few days in advance) what the response to these potential dust impacts will be.
ATMOS-5D+ ™ is a unique dust control and management platform that complements and enhances the efficiency of traditional dust management control practices.
Mining companies that are interested in applying our ATMOS-5D+ ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control™ system to better control dust, as an integral part of their operations, are invited to contact ATMOS Global ™’s Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ by using this form.
ATMOS Global ™, ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting <=> Dust Management <=> Dust Control Platform™, DustAlert+ ®: Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-parameter Dust Impact Early Warning System™, ATMOS-5D+™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control™, Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ and ATMOS Global Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ are trademarks of ATMOS Global™.
was registered as a trademark by ATMOS Global ™ in Australia in 2006.
