
ATMOS Global ™ in the national and international Media

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19 June 2024
ATMOS Global ™ announces its strategic transition into a fully AI-driven company leveraging rapid advancements in artificial intelligence technology with Nvidia becoming today the most valuable company in the world, reaching a valuation of USD $3.3 trillion, and Apple's launch of Apple Intelligence.

This transformation marks a significant milestone in ATMOS Global ™ 's success journey, positioning the company at the forefront of innovation in corporate governance and ESG.

Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global ™, stated, " ATMOS Global ™ has always been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our transition to an AI company is a bold step towards a future where technology is integrated with business practices to drive innovation, efficiency and sustainability to achieve the highest standards of corporate governance."

Join us and be part of shaping a future where humans and AI work together to achieve remarkable outcomes.

18 June 2024
ATMOS Global ™ unveils DirectorAI a ground breaking platform offering exceptional company director experience right at your fingertips, combining imagination, ingenuity and intuition to deliver unparalleled guidance and extraordinary innovation for businesses of all sizes. DirectorAI harnesses the power of advanced multimodal artificial intelligence customised to fit specific business needs and deliver real-time strategic insight, risk management, personalised expert-level direction and decision-making assistance. This cutting-edge executive tool is designed to protect privacy at every step and assist businesses seeking to achieve new levels of excellence in navigating the complexities of modern business environments, ensuring informed decisions that drive success and growth.

Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global ™, said that "ATMOS Global's DirectorAI leverages actionable insights to drive success and innovation, creating new intelligence advantages. It is our next step in the quest for the greatest invention in history."

Our recent announcement has been prominently featured in leading national and international media outlets: AP News, Benzinga, Business Times Australia, Australian News Express, The Australia Globe, News Central Australia, News Channel Australia, Australia News Journal, Mining Press Releases, American Business Times, Global Tech Times, Applied Technology News, International Tech Times, Asia Business Gazette, Global Tech Reporter, Tech Focus Asia, Today in Business, American Governance Today, Small Business News Today, Business Times Journal, 24/7 Business Reporter, North America Today, Asia Pacific Today, The Asia Gazette, Asia News Guide, Journal of Business, NBC 4, Fox 2, America News Observer, The World Newswire, US National Times, Asia Pacific Herald, etc.

22 May 2024
ATMOS Global ™ releases SentientGovernance ™ ( a cutting-edge AI program designed to transform how boards of directors execute their governance functions. SentientGovernance ™ harnesses the power of next-generation artificial intelligence technologies to provide boards with unparalleled insights and strategic support, ensuring that organisations remain agile, compliant, and forward-thinking in today's dynamic business landscape. SentientGovernance is engineered to assist boards in guiding strategy, managing risks, and enhancing operational efficiency.

Dr Valianatos, said that "We are delighted to announce SentientGovernance ™, a groundbreaking solution that leverages the latest AI technologies to support boards of directors in their governance roles. Our mission is to empower board members globally with the tools they need to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and drive their organisations towards sustainable success. SentientGovernance is not just a tool; it is a strategic partner in governance."

4 April 2024
ATMOS Global ™ launches our groundbreaking Inspirational Foresight Leadership Strategy Formulation Framework that capitalises on vertical AI's transformational potential to build a culture of perpetual reinvention and human potential optimisation on a global scale. Insights into our revolutionary AI-empowered corporate strategy formulation framework will be unveiled during the distinguished 10th Global Webinar on Applied Science and Technology, scheduled for July 03-04, 2024. We are honoured to announce that Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global ™, has been invited to deliver a Keynote Address during this prestigious event. Dr Valianatos remarked, "In today's dynamic business environment, success is not merely about reacting to change but rather about proactively shaping it." ATMOS Global ™'s Inspirational Foresight Leadership Strategy Formulation Framework fosters an environment that embraces change and prioritises ongoing evolution to empower our clients not only to thrive amidst uncertainty but also to lead the way forward."

29 March 2024

ATMOS Global ™, a triple award-winning organisation, has been honoured with the prestigious 'Most Innovative CSR Strategy Management Experts 2024' Award (official press release) recognised by the APAC Insider Magazine on the 29th of March 2024. This recognition underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation in corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy management.

In their official press release, APAC Insider Magazine stated: "Our Australian Enterprise Awards have returned, and we couldn't be more excited to share the success stories of such a diverse collection of businesses and individuals which truly demonstrate the pristine level of service across Australia... Their dedication to excellence and superior service fuels their actions - and we're here to celebrate their tremendous success."

At ATMOS Global ™, we believe that corporate social responsibility is fundamental to our identity. Our innovative CSR strategies are designed to create meaningful impact, foster sustainable practices, and empower communities worldwide. This award reaffirms ATMOS Global ™'s commitment to continue leading the way in CSR strategy management and setting new benchmarks for excellence in the industry.

Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd, remarked, " We are excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. This award serves as a testament to the hard work, creativity, and collective efforts of our team members, whose passion for making a difference is truly inspiring. It fuels ATMOS Global ™'s drive to strive for even greater heights in the days to come. Thank you everyone who has contributed to this success. Your support and collaboration have been invaluable, and we look forward to continuing this journey together."

19 March 2024

ATMOS Global ™ is pleased to announce that Dr Orestis D. Valianatos has been nominated for the title of 'The Most Visionary CEO Establishing Australia as a Thriving Hub for Innovation in 2024' (official press release) by a renowned international Entrepreneur Magazine. The editorial team recognised the strength of our brand presence and Dr Valianatos' leadership journey. The upcoming special edition of the magazine will feature the award to inspire audiences worldwide.

We extend our sincerest gratitude to the esteemed editorial team for the prestigious nomination. This recognition not only honors Dr. Valianatos' dedication and leadership but also acknowledges the collective efforts of our entire team in fostering a culture of innovation and excellence. We deeply appreciate the editorial team's discernment in selecting ATMOS Global ™ for this distinguished accolade, and we are truly humbled by the opportunity to share our journey and insights with a global audience. This nomination serves as a testament to our commitment to driving positive change and pushing the boundaries of possibility in the realm of entrepreneurship and innovation.

"We are honoured by the acknowledgment of our efforts in shaping the future landscape of business and technology" said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd.

12 March 2024

ATMOS Global ™ is honoured to receive a Certificate of Excellence for Dr Orestis D. Valianatos' distinguished Keynote Speaker presentation (official press release) at the esteemed 9th Global Webinar on Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (March 6-7, 2024), organised by the Global Scientific Guild. This prestigious recognition was graciously conferred by Conference Chairman Professor Dr. M.E. Fayad from San Jose State University, United States, and Conference Co-Chairperson Professor J.C. Umvathi from Gulbarga University, India. We express our sincere gratitude to Professor Fayad and Professor Umvathi for extending the invitation to feature our keynote presentation at their prestigious conference and for their generous commendation. Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to Mr. Nawaz Shaik, Director at Global Scientific Guild and his staff whose efforts were instrumental in bringing this event to fruition. ATMOS Global ™ is immensely grateful for the outstanding contribution of our dedicated team which played a pivotal role in the positive reception of our presentation.

The title of our article, published in the proceedings of this meeting was: 'ATMOS-Global-LeadershipAI: a Revolutionary Breakthrough in Mastering Exponential AI for Unprecedented Growth in Productivity, Profitability and Innovation'. Our distinguished presentation at the Global Scientific Guild Conference explored the transformative impact of ATMOS Global ™'s innovative ATMOS-Global-LeadershipAI program strategically designed to empower top executive leaders in effectively addressing the challenges inherent in their high-stake responsibilities while capitalising on the opportunities presented by the realm of exponential artificial intelligence.

1 February 2024

ATMOS Global ™ launches ATMOS-Global-LeadershipAI: a revolutionary breakthrough in mastering exponential AI for unprecedented growth in productivity, profitability and innovation. ATMOS Global ™ is shaping meaningful and safe human-AI value interactions to revolutionise productivity, high-value skills and competitive advantages. "The ATMOS-Global-LeadershipAI groundbreaking program is a versatile and transformative toolkit that empowers progressive leaders with cutting-edge capabilities, skills and insights to capitalise on opportunities arising from AI advancements." said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd.

17 January 2024

ATMOS Global ™, a recognised leader in AI innovation and expertise, was honoured with the esteemed title of Environmental Consultancy Firm of the Year 2023/24 (official press release), awarded by the Corporate LiveWire Global Awards, a leading global corporate news platform. The Corporate LiveWire platform provides business professionals and individuals in the corporate sector with information on the latest news and developments from around the globe. The Corporate LiveWire Global Awards represent the pinnacle of business achievement, championing the best in their respective fields. These corporate awards cover the most important sectors of business. The culmination of the awards is the Global Award, recognising businesses of every type that have proven their excellence.

Winners are chosen by the Corporate LiveWire's independent panel made up of select industry experts and the editor-in-chief. In a highly competitive landscape, where exceptional companies from various sectors world-wide were under consideration, ATMOS Global ™ emerged triumphant. The exhaustive evaluation process, incorporating nominations from over 90,000 businesses, corporate professionals, and magazine contributors, centred on critical metrics such as service quality, innovation, experience, sustainability, etc.

"Winning the esteemed title of Environmental Consultancy Firm of the Year in the Corporate LiveWire Global Awards 2023/24 underscores ATMOS Global ™'s unwavering commitment to excellence and environmental stewardship. We are not only honoured by this recognition but also inspired to continue pushing the boundaries of AI innovation and sustainability in our industry. The acceptance of this prestigious accolade is met with profound pride and we extend our sincerest appreciation to all contributors who have played a pivotal role in our success." said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd.

12 December 2023

In a significant acknowledgment of our outstanding contributions to the mining industry, ATMOS Global ™ officially announces (official press release) our nomination as a finalist in the Top 10 Mining Service Companies for 2023 by the esteemed evaluation panel of Metals & Mining Review Magazine. The nomination reflects ATMOS Global 's unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and the highest standards in mining services. Our company's dedication to driving progress and providing cutting-edge solutions has positioned it among the elite finalists in this prestigious recognition.

"We are honoured to be recognised as a finalist in the Top 10 Mining Service Companies for 2023," said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd. "This nomination is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients in the mining industry."

ATMOS Global ™ has consistently demonstrated its prowess in delivering top-notch mining services, contributing to the advancement and sustainability of the mining sector. Our company's innovative approaches, technological advancements, and focus on ESG stewardship have positioned us as industry leaders embodying our commitment to forward-thinking solutions and responsible corporate citizenship.

1 December 2023

ATMOS Global ™ unveiled (official press release) its groundbreaking RECLAIM-AI ™ platform (using AI to design high momentum strategies for accelerating Net Zero commitments in the private sector) on November 28, 2023, at the prestigious Positioning Hydrogen 2023 International Conference in Melbourne, Australia, where Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd, a distinguished industry expert, took the spotlight as a key speaker with his presentation titled 'RECLAIM-AI : A Game-Changing Growth Philosophy for the Green Hydrogen Revolution, integrating design and systems thinking'. The presentation is published in the conference proceedings.

Our RECLAIM-AI ™ growth model introduces a paradigm-altering pathway to sustainable strategy development, accelerated implementation, and decision making for capital allocation priorities. It aims to drive investments in early-stage research and development of transformative clean technologies, contributing to the decarbonisation of the global energy system. ATMOS Global ™'s RECLAIM-AI ™ growth model also optimises productivity, improves financial performance, reduces CAPEX and OPEX risks, increases organisational agility, resilience and competitiveness. Furthermore, it ensures stakeholders' engagement with the digital leadership strategy and prepares the organisation for the future of work, considering three major trends: technological change, learning evolution and talent mobility (World Economic Forum, 2023).

RECLAIM-AI ™ uniquely integrates design and systems thinking approaches, serving as a comprehensive platform for synergetic and systematic AI driven decisions making in a data-rich environment. The model includes the latest current and proposed climate related risks and opportunities disclosure requirements to facilitate effective communication and collaboration among diverse stakeholders with varying interests and expertise.

21 November 2023

Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence at ATMOS Global

As we commemorate three decades, today stands as a landmark for ATMOS Global ™, symbolising our steadfast commitment to sustainability excellence, cutting-edge innovation in AI, the comprehensive formulation and implementation of corporate success strategies, and the facilitation of international collaborations driving the expansion of the renewable energy sector. ATMOS Global ™ has evolved into a globally recognised leader in environmental solutions. Over the years, our steadfast dedication to the highest standards of environmental stewardship has solidified our position as a trusted partner in sustainable business practices. ATMOS Global ™ has consistently delivered cutting-edge solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients and the planet. Our 30-year journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a passion for shaping a more sustainable future. To our remarkable team, your unwavering dedication and expertise have played a pivotal role in our monumental success.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients and partners who have entrusted us with their corporate goals. Your collaboration has been integral to our growth, and we look forward to continuing to deliver exceptional value in the years ahead.

As we envision the next 30 years, we renew our dedication to perpetual corporate excellence, the continuous delivery of sustainable solutions, and an everlasting impact on the global environmental landscape.

2 November 2023

ATMOS Global ™ launched globally (official press release) our new 'Sustainability Mastery™ Program "a beacon of excellence that inspires and empowers business leaders with a vision for a greener future and a practical blueprint for action that recodes, reshapes and revolutionises conventional leadership paradigms by leveraging AI and partnerships to break boundaries and chart an optimal and accelerated path to Net Zero, championing a new era in renewable energy leadership" said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd.

19 October 2023

ATMOS Global ™ launched globally (official press release) our AI-Enabled 'Climate Change, ESG and Renewable Energy Leadership Academy ™ a highly specialised and workplace specific training and learning holistic framework underpinned by the nexus of Climate Change, ESG and Renewable Energy Leadership to offer our clients, on a global scale, an opportunity to keep up to date with leading-edge beyond boundaries insights, knowledge and practices in the sector where we can have the most impact: the energy-intensive industries.

"A transformative shift is underway, steering us towards an era where sustainability and renewable energy will define the future. Our mission is to revolutionise learning and shape the future by driving global change, charting a new course of action to accelerate the transition to a greener economy, align business objectives with climate goals and empower the next generation of climate leaders." said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd. ATMOS Global's 'Climate Change, ESG and Renewable Energy Leadership Academy inspires clients with a game-changing mindset that reimagines conventional perspectives. As Albert Einstein said "The world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level as the level we created them at."

This is part of our ATMOS Global Intelligent Climate Change Innovations portfolio of environmentally-conscious and green innovations services: ATMOS Global Intelligent Climate Change Innovations Trademark®.

21 September 2023

ATMOS Global ™ at the prestigious Positioning Hydrogen 2023 International Conference in Melbourne, Australia (official press release), where Dr Orestis D. Valianatos Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd, a distinguished industry expert, will take the spotlight as a key speaker on the 28th of November 2023.

28 July 2023

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has been honoured as the recipient of the 'Most Innovative Atmosphere & Air Quality Consultancy 2023' global category at the prestigious Industrial Production and Manufacturing Awards (official press release) presented by The Business Concept.

ATMOS Global will continue building our decades long legacy of inspiring the adoption of high-end computer modelling and AI enhanced innovations to assist companies achieve better results, consider the benefits of leveraging their resources to their fullest potential and embrace adaptability and flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities available to them. This brand-new programme is being introduced to celebrate the key players and leading innovators across this integral sector. Industrial Production plays a crucial role in the development of many other industries, ensuring that people all over the world have access to the products and services that shape their daily lives. The experienced team at The Business Concept has selected recipients using publicly available sources and a thorough set of assessment criteria. Their in-house researchers and judging panel have identified firms who have gone above and beyond over the past twelve months, rewarding those who have increased production volume, reduced waste, improved factory processes, and have been committed to excellence in both customer and employee satisfaction.

The Business Concept is designed to deliver the latest insights and features of businesses that have favoured the digital space and have thrived in the cut-throat industry. The Business Concept covers all aspects of the business world and breaks down each part to analyse what businesses of all different sizes, from each part of the world need to encompass to reach new heights of success. ATMOS Global Pty Ltd has no affiliation or commercial association with The Business Concept. Our recognition and selection as winners in this category stem solely from their independent research team's evaluation.

5 June 2023

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd), a leading innovator in advanced forecasting technologies, launched globally our brand new platform ATMOS-5D ™: Sentient Severe Weather and Risk of Air Quality Impact Forecasting Platform™ on the 5th of June 2023. This new Sentient release is the artificial intelligence (AI) version of our original ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting, Air Quality Management and Air Quality Control Platform™ that was released to the global market in 2004. The original ATMOS-5D ™ platform was presented by ATMOS Global ™ at the 2010 International Mining Magazine Congress.

Our cutting-edge ATMOS-5D Sentient™ platform integrates the latest advancements in atmospheric sciences, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, data science and block-chain technology with our three decades of extensive expertise in the development and practical application of advanced 3D weather prediction algorithms to offer unparalleled accuracy, efficiency and immersive user experiences which give us a distinct edge in the marketplace.

Our news regarding ATMOS-5D Sentient™ has enjoyed coverage in more than 600 media outlets (reaching a potential audience of more than 10 million) including: Engineering News, The Associated Press, Australian News Express, American Press, Daily Leader, Bloomberg Terminal, Business Chief, Washington City Paper (Washington DC), Australian Energy Journal, Canadian Insider, Australian Post Observer, L'Observateur, Austin Daily Herald, News Edge, US Manufacturing Reporter, Lexis Nexis, Columbia Business Monthly, IT News Online, The Oxford Eagle, Washington Daily News, Global Energy Times, Times of San Diego, International Manufacturing Update, World Energy Online, Fox 21, Asia News Digest, WCBD NBC 2, Global Business Watch, Benzinga, WBTN CBS12, WSAV NBC3, Economic news Observer, State of the Union News, Asia Pacific Herald, Global Reporter Journal, North America Today, etc.

"By introducing ATMOS-5D Sentient™, we aim to redefine best practice and revolutionise the way the industry tackles the challenges posed by air quality impacts and severe weather events," said Dr Orestis Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd. "Our system's super-intelligent AI algorithms and comprehensive data analysis enable businesses to proactively respond to potential risks and optimise their operations, ultimately enhancing safety, productivity, sustainability, asset protection, and empower organisations to decarbonise and achieve their NetZero targets. We have created a sophisticated time machine that can be used to move back and forth through time to study impacts into the past, present and future. ATMOS Global s team is honoured to continue our contribution to shaping the future of technology, industry and our society. We will continue building our decades long legacy of inspiring the adoption of high-end computer modelling and AI enhanced innovations to assist companies achieve better results, consider the benefits of leveraging their resources to their fullest potential and embrace adaptability and flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities available to them.

A copy of our press release regarding the announcement of our ATMOS-5D ™: Sentient Severe Weather and Risk of Air Quality Impact Forecasting Platform™ can be accessed here.

10 February 2023

ATMOS Global ™ has recently participated in a consulting engagement regarding global climate change decision-makers and thought leaders organised by an international elite group of business leaders and subject matter experts.

21 November 2022

ATMOS Global ™ is celebrating 29 years of creating long-term enterprise value. Join us us on our mission to harness the power of cutting-edge technologies for a sustainable future.

22 February 2022

ATMOS Global ™ launches ATMOS-5D+AI ™ : artificial intelligence platform for managing fugitive dust emissions.

7 February 2022

ATMOS Global ™ 's new star OnTargetCompliance ™ is born. Join us today.

21 November 2021

ATMOS Global ™ is celebrating 28 years of innovation excellence. Join us us on our mission to transform the world.

11 December 2020

ATMOS Global ™ team was very fortunate to complete our 10 year journey of discovery around the world in January 2020. The next decade marks the beginning of a new chapter in our company's life as a premier innovator and provider of forward-thinking advanced air quality management and sustainability solutions to clients' complex problems on a global scale.

21 November 2018

ATMOS Global ™ is celebrating 25 years of inimitable excellence. We would like to express our gratitude to our clients for their continuous support and for an amazing quarter of a century, a very important milestone in our company's track record as a leader in delivering leading edge bespoke solutions in air quality modelling, management, control, forecasting & training and sustainability to a broad market.

1 February 2016

ATMOS Global ™ has a new address. Our new Head Office address (our gateway to: Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa and Middle East) Level 24, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia, is located in the heart of Melbourne CBD's legal and commercial district making it now the most sought after address in the City (the State Government is a major tenant of this building). This premium grade building, a $150 million project completed in 2015, is Melbourne CBD's largest vertically connected workspace. Our new office is situated in the heart of Melbourne’s flourishing commercial, legal and financial precinct and offers us the flexibility to expand in the CBD as our business grows. (2020 update: this building was included in the The NABERS Sustainable Portfolios Index 2020.)

Description: ATMOS Global Head Office

570 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Victoria, Australia
21 November 2013

ATMOS Global ™ is celebrating 20 years of building a reputation as a premier innovator and provider of forward-thinking advanced air quality management and control solutions to clients' complex problems.

7 November 2013

ATMOS Global ™ launches our first-of-its-kind platform for Dust, Odour, Bushfire Smoke and Noise Management: ATMOS-5D Super Combo. The new Super Combo version is an enhancement of the original ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting, Air Quality Management and Air Quality Control Platform™ that was released to the global market in 2004. The previous major ATMOS-5D ™ upgrade was presented by ATMOS Global ™ at the 2010 International Mining Magazine Congress.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ system can be accessed here. Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Mining Magazine, (InfoMine) and Mining Weekly.

15 August 2013

ATMOS Global ™ 's world s first DustPack ™ : Evidence-Based Dust Management and Dust Control eSolutions ™ (ATMOS-5D+ ™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and RiskBalance+ ™) are now operating daily on five continents: Australia, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

22 March 2013

ATMOS Global ™ opens a new office in Perth (Western Australia, Australia) to support the advanced dust management activities of our world s first Centre for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control ™ in Western Australia. The address of the new office is Level 25, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia. ATMOS Global ™'s Western Australian Regional Office is located in the Bankwest Tower, an iconic 52-storey landmark building that dominates the Perth Skyline and is situated right in the middle of Perth s central business district.

Description: ATMOS Global Western Australian Regional Office

Bankwest Tower
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
28 February 2013

ATMOS Global ™ opens a new office in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) to support the advanced dust management activities of our world s first Centre for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control ™ in the North American and South American markets. This new addition to our existing global network is a response to ATMOS Global ™'s growing international business success, commitment to these markets and long-term investment in cultivating new relationships within these regions. The address of our new Las Vegas office is 7251 West Lake Mead Boulevard, Suite 300, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89128. ATMOS Global ™'s USA Regional Office (our gateway to: North America and South America) is located on Level 3 in the prestigious Bank of Nevada Complex recognized as a landmark in Las Vegas.

Description: ATMOS Global Americas Office

Bank of Nevada Complex
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
31 December 2012
ATMOS Global ™ publishes an article on our world's first DustPack ™ : Evidence-Based Dust Management and Dust Control Service Structure ™ (ATMOS-5D+ ™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and RiskBalance+ ™) in the Mining Engineering Magazine - SME (Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration - USA, December 2012 edition, 'New Products' feature, page 82, title: 'ATMOS Global introduces DustPack for dust management'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.
28 November 2012
ATMOS Global ™ publishes a high profile article on our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust ™ and DustPack ™ in the international Business Excellence Mining and Minerals Magazine (November 2012 edition, pages 271-283, title: 'ATMOS Global - A Journey to Discover and Inspire Excellence').
15 November 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes an article on our on our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust ™ and DustPack ™ in the Asia Miner Magazine (November/December 2012 edition, 'MINExpo Product News' feature, page 67, title: 'ATMOS Global launches 'VerifiedDust' Dust Verification Program'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

30 October 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes two articles on our world's first DustPack ™ : Evidence-Based Dust Management and Dust Control Service Structure ™ (ATMOS-5D+ ™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and RiskBalance+ ™) in the Mining World Magazine (October 2012 edition, 'Plant and Equipment at MINExpo 2012' feature, pages 43 and 55, titles: 'ATMOS Global: Air Quality Consultants' and 'New dust management system').

20 October 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes an article on our world's first DustPack ™ : Evidence-Based Dust Management and Dust Control Service Structure ™ (ATMOS-5D+ ™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and RiskBalance+ ™) in the Mining Magazine (October 2012 edition, 'News' feature, page 14, title: 'ATMOS dust programme proves successful at Spotted Quoll'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s database of published articles.

10 October 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes a ground-breaking article on our world's first ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy® in the Australian Mining Magazine (October 2012 edition, 'Dust and Ventilation' feature, pages 34 and 35, title: 'Understanding the dusty trail'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

20 September 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes a prestigious article on our world's first dust management systems (ATMOS-5D+ ™ Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control ™ and DustAlert+ Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-parameter Dust Impact early Warning System ™) in the international Asia Miner Magazine (September/October 2012 edition, Australian Technology - Special MINExpo 2012 feature, page 87, title: 'ATMOS-5D+ and DustAlert+ New global benchmark on dust control and management'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

5 September 2012

ATMOS Global ™ Executive Insight is published by the international Business Excellence Magazine (BE BusinessExcellence) (5 September 2012 edition). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

5 September 2012

ATMOS Global ™ publishes a high profile article on our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust ™ and DustPack ™ in the international Business Excellence Magazine (BE BusinessExcellence) (5 September 2012 edition, cover page story and pages 13-29, title: 'A Journey to Discover and Inspire Excellence'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

4 September 2012

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally on the 4th of September 2012 our new DustPack: Evidence-Based Dust Management and Dust Control Service Structure ™ (ATMOS-5D+ ™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and RiskBalance+ ™).

Our DustPack ™ delivers more than 25,000 site level 'dust impact forecasts' ™ every year (achieved 24/7 through ATMOS Global's Centre for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control ™ and supports ATMOS Global's new VerifiedDust ™ global initiative, a 'journey of 1,000 mines, one mine at a time' ™ in the pursuit and discovery of environmental excellence, inspired by our 2020 vision.

According to the level of complexity required by the mine site operations, ATMOS Global's new DustPack ™ is available in three high-tech options: Gold , Silver and Bronze . DustPack ™ and ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy® make life better for people on and off the job and sustain the human engine .

ATMOS Global ™ has published a high profile article on our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust ™ and DustPack ™ in the international Business Excellence Magazine (BE BusinessExcellence) (5 September 2012 edition, cover page story and pages 13-29, title: 'A Journey to Discover and Inspire Excellence'). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

Our news regarding DustPack ™ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: (InfoMine), Mining Weekly, Engineering News, International Business Times, Indianapolis Business Journal, Sun Herald, United Press International, Business Insider, The MiamiHerald, The News & Observer, The Sun News, A.M. Best Company, The News Tribune, Digital Media Wire, Securities Technology Monitor, The State, The News Tribune, Renewable Energy World, LA Daily News, Press Enterprise, Market Pulse, Star Telegram, CBS MoneyWatch, Daily Herald, Yahoo! News, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, InvestorsPlace, Value Investing News, Rockford Register Star, The Columbus Ledger Enquirer, CBS11 Dallas / Fort Worth, CBS 2/KCAL 9 Los Angeles, Hydro Review, HeraldNet Everett, Washington, Idaho Statesman, The Buffalo News, Centre Daily Times, Whittier Daily News, The Bellingham Herald, Minnesota Public Radio, The Daily Record, Pasadena Star-News, Lexington Herald-Leader, WJZ Baltimore, CBS 2/WBBM Chicago, Kansas City Star, The Sun News, The MiamiHerald, etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our first-of-its-kind 'constellation of world's first transformative multi-system dust management technologies' DustPack ™ can be accessed here.

21 August 2012

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally on the 21st of August 2012 our new RiskBalance+ ™ philosophy, a fully developed approach to formulating ATMOS Global Evidence-Based Dust Management Plans , as part of our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust ™ Evidence-based Dust Management and Dust Control Verification Program ™ a global event, 'a journey of 1000 mines, one mine at a time™'.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s RiskBalance+ ™ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Mining World, (InfoMine), Mining Weekly, Engineering News, International Business Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, Business Insider, Houston Chronicle, Daily Herald, Sun Herald,,, Indianapolis Business Journal, Industrial Info, CBS 5 San Francisco, The Network Journal, United Press International, InvestorPlace, Renewable Energy World, Market Intelligence Center, HeraldNet Everett (Washington), The State Journal, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Securities Technology Monitor, A.M. Best Company, Digital Media Wire, Centre Daily Times, The Bellingham Herald, The Boston Globe, Press Enterprise, Market Pulse, The News & Observer, CBS 2/WBBM Chicago, The MiamiHerald, Virtual Strategy Magazine, Yahoo! News, etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our ground-breaking verification program RiskBalance+ ™ can be accessed here.

14 August 2012

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally on the 14th of August 2012 our first-of-its-kind new global initiative VerifiedDust™ Evidence-based Dust Management and Dust Control Verification Program ™, a global journey of 1000 mines part of ATMOS Global ™ 's 2020 vision.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s VerfiedDust ™ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Mining World, Mining Weekly, Engineering News, (InfoMine), Asia Miner,, International Business Times, Indianapolis Business Journal, Sun Herald, United Press International, Business Insider, The MiamiHerald, The News & Observer, The Sun News, A.M. Best Company, The News Tribune, Digital Media Wire, Securities Technology Monitor, The State, The News Tribune, Renewable Energy World, LA Daily News, Press Enterprise, Market Pulse, Star Telegram, CBS MoneyWatch, Daily Herald, Virtual Strategy Magazine, Yahoo! News, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our ground-breaking verification program VerifiedDust ™ can be accessed here.

12 August 2012
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) publishes a revolutionary article on our world's first dust impact forecasting, management and control systems ATMOS-5D+™, DustAlert+ , DustFinder+ and our Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ in the Engineering and Mining Journal (E&MJ) (August 2012 Dust Management edition, pages 71-72, title: 'A predictive approach to haul road dust control). Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.
10 August 2012

MINExpo 2012 represents the beginning of a new era for ATMOS Global ™ with the launch of our new website that celebrates the expansion of the industries we serve and global reach as well as the recent additions to our world s first elite dust management research consulting services™:

ATMOS-5D+ ™ Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control ™ - a multi-agent autonomous ground breaking Dust Management 5.0 (a term 'coined' by ATMOS Global in June 2012) technology that coordinates and supports the mission critical activities of distributed dust control agents to solve practical dust management problems in a more effective way.

DustAlert+ Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-parameter Dust Impact early Warning System ™ an advanced dust mitigation system that allows mine site operators to intervene to control potential dust impacts in an optimal and timely manner.

DustFinder+ Ultra Intelligent Dust Assessment and Management System ™ a well-conceived multi-layer approach to dust management planning that targets productivity improvements in the critical areas of mining operations.

For the most up to date information on ATMOS Global ™'s new world s first elite dust management research consulting services™ that we will launch at MINExpo 2012, please re-visit this News section or our MINExpo profile featured by the Mining Media International.

ATMOS Global ™ is a supporting sponsor of the Australian Pavilion organised by the Australian Government at MINExpo 2012 (North Hall, Las Vegas Convention Center).

Mining companies interested in ATMOS Global ™'s world s first dust impact forecasting™, management and control platforms can visit ATMOS Global ™ at the Australian Pavilion.

Our news regarding Atmos Global's launch of our new elite dust management systems at MINExpo 2012 has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: (InfoMine), Mining World, Virtual-Strategy Magazine, LA Daily News, The News Tribune, Centre Daily Times, Digital Media Wire, A.M. Best Company , Oil & Gas Financial Journal, CBS11 Dallas/Fort Worth, The Columbus Ledger Enquirer,, Value Investing News, InvestorPlace, Industrial Info, Indianapolis Business Journal, Daily Herald, The Network Journal, The Columbus Ledger Enquirer, etc. A copy of our original press release regarding ATMOS Global ™'s participation at MINEXpo 2012 can be accessed here.

3 August 2012

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally our newest ground-breaking dust control technology: DustFinder+ a first-of-its- kind Ultra Intelligent Dust Assessment and Dust Management System ™ that offers mining operators a technologically advanced systematic methodology to formulating, assimilating and maintaining practical dust management plans for their mining operations located anywhere in the world.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s DustFinder+ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s DustFinder+ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Mining World, (InfoMine), Engineering News, Mining Weekly,, International Business Times, Indianapolis Business Journal, Sun Herald, United Press International, Business Insider, Indianapolis Business Journal, The Network Journal, InvestorPlace, Value Investing News, Digital Media Wire, The State, The News Tribune,, LA Daily News, Press Enterprise, Market Pulse, Star Telegram, CBS MoneyWatch, Daily Herald, Virtual Strategy Magazine, Yahoo! News, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, etc. A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new DustFinder+ system can be accessed here.

31 July 2012

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally our revolutionary ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy®, a highly specialised and workplace specific air quality and sustainability training and learning portal that offers ATMOS Global’s industrial clients, with operations located anywhere in the world, an opportunity to keep up to date with leading edge concepts and practices associated with addressing air quality management, dust management and sustainability related challenges important to the mining, manufacturing and energy industries.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Asia Miner, (InfoMine), Mining Weekly, Engineering News, Mining World,, International Business Times, Sun Herald, United Press International, Business Insider, Indianapolis Business Journal, Market Intelligence Center, CBS 5 San Francisco, InvestorPlace, Value Investing News, Renewable Energy World, Power-Gen Worldwide , Oil & Gas Financial Journal, BestGrowthStock, Market Pulse, CBS MoneyWatch, Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, Green Technology , etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy® can be accessed here.

26 June 2012
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) publishes an article on our world's first dust impact forecasting, management and control systems ATMOS-5D™, DustAlert+ and our Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ in the Mining Chronicle (26 June 2012 edition, page 69, title: 'Intelligent dust system - world first') in relation to the successful application of our dust management systems for a mining project nominated as a finalist (jointly with ATMOS Global) for one of the most prestigious awards for environmental excellence in Australia. Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.

21 June 2012
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launches the Dust Management 5.0 concept for the first time anywhere in the world - a new era in dust management. A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new ATMOS-5D+™ Dust Management 5.0 system can be accessed ATMOS-5D+™ system can be accessed here.
18 June 2012
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launches ATMOS-5D+™ world s first Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control - a major breakthrough in environmental dust control and management in mining.

ATMOS-5D+™ sets guidelines for appropriate courses of fact-based dust management action leading to safer working conditions, reduced environmental consequences and higher productivity by offering mine operators an opportunity to anticipate, identify and decide before adverse dust impacts are predicted to happen (a few days in advance) what the response to these potential dust impacts will be. ATMOS-5D+™ marks the emergence of a new 'sixth sense' Dust Management 5.0 era by bridging the gap between the digital and physical world.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s DustAlert+ ; enjoyed editorials in the following major national and international media: Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ), Coal Age, Asia Miner, Mining World, Mining Chronicle, Mining Weekly, San Francisco Chronicle, Digital Journal, Renewable Energy World, Market Intelligence Center, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, Sun Herald, United Press International, CBS MoneyWatch, Houston Chronicle, Business Insider, International Business Times, The Boston Globe, etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new ATMOS-5D+™ system can be accessed here.

15 May 2012
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) publishes a ground breaking article on our world's first dust impact forecasting, management and control systems ATMOS-5D™, DustAlert+ and our Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ in the Australian Mining Magazine (May 2012 edition, pages 28-30, title: 'Forecasting the new benchmarks: an artificially intelligent system is forecasting a better way to manage dust') in relation to the successful application of our dust management systems for a mining project nominated as a finalist (jointly with ATMOS Global) for one of the most prestigious awards for environmental excellence in Australia. Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles.
1 March 2012

DustAlert+ world s first Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-criteria Dust Impact Early Warning System - a major breakthrough in environmental dust control and management in mining.

DustAlert+ is an Artificially Intelligent (AI) system that helps mining operations, located anywhere in the world, reduce the environmental impacts of their dust emissions. DustAlert+ is a new generation self-aware, self-learning and self-adapting system that serves our clients dust control needs as an ever present sentinel that offers continuous dust protection for the full spectrum of mineral exploration, extraction and processing operations.

Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s DustAlert+ was featured in editorials in the following major national and international media: Australian Mining, Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ), Asia Miner, Mining Magazine, Mining Weekly, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics News, News Now (UK), etc.

A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new DustAlert+ system can be accessed here.

28 November 2011

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has launched world s first Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ to offer to the mining industry on a global scale a next-generation digital approach to avoid or minimise the incidence and scale of environmental dust impacts.

ATMOS Global ™'s Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ offers the mining industry on a global scale a next-generation digital approach to avoid or minimise the incidence and scale of environmental dust impacts.

A recording of Dr Orestis Valianatos' (ATMOS Global ™ President and Chief Executive Officer) interview with ABC (The Australian Broadcasting Corporation) discussing in greater detail the unique benefits offered by ATMOS Global ™'s Centre for Dust Management™ to the mining industry is available here.

In addition, our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s Centre for Dust Management™ enjoyed editorials in the following major national and international media: Australian Mining,Asia Miner, Engineering & Mining Journal (E&MJ), International Business Times,, Wall Street Journal (Market Watch), EuroInvestor, etc.

A copy of our press release regarding the announcement of our new Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ can be accessed here.

6 October 2011

ATMOS Global™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has launched ATMOS Global ™ and Site Specific Air Quality Management Survey™ - the world's first comprehensive air quality management survey of its kind.

8 September 2011
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has been selected as a finalist (jointly with one of ATMOS Global s clients) by the Government of Western Australia Department of Mines and Petroleum as part of the 2011 Golden Gecko Awards for Environmental Excellence.
19 March 2011
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has presented our advanced ATMOS-5D™ forecasting and management platform at the 2011 Global Air Quality and Climate Change Conference (Kona, Hawaii, USA, 2011) with the title: "An innovative Multi-scale Multi-Hazard Air Quality Impact Forecasting and Early Warning Platform - Local Demand Global Supply."
8 March 2011
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has presented our advanced ATMOS-5D™ forecasting and management platform at the 2011 PDAC (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada) Conference (Toronto, Canada). ATMOS Global was a Silver Sponsor of the event organised by the Australian Government at this conference titled: 'Australia unlimited - the choice for mineral investment' (event photo gallery). ATMOS Global Pty Ltd is a corporate member of PDAC.
23 February 2011

ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has presented our advanced ATMOS-5D™ forecasting and management platform at the 2011 Environmental Management in Mining Conference (IQPC). ATMOS Global was a Spotlight Sponsor of this event.

The title of our presentation was: 'ATMOS-5D™: Raising the bar on best practice in dust management in mining'.

10 November 2010
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has launched, at the 2010 International Mining Magazine Congress, the latest version of our advanced ATMOS-5D™ air quality forecasting and management platform.

The title of our presentation was: 'Using ATMOS-5D™ an innovative air quality forecasting system to reduce dust impacts and minimise dust management costs meeting local demand through global supply .

30 September 2009
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has joined an international group of government leaders, business executives and experts from the the scientific community at the historic Global Climate Summit 2 in Los Angeles (California, USA) in the quest for finding lasting solutions to global climate change.
14 August 2006
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has registered as a trademark in Australia. ATMOS Global has oficially 'coined' the original name of our ATMOS-5D™, world's first Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting <=> Dust Management <=> Dust Control Platform™ available 24/7 to multiple operations located anywhere in the world.


